For Immediate Release
May 10, 2018
Contact: Katherine Levasseur
Office of the Speaker of the House
(802) 828-2245
Today the Vermont House gave final approval to H.707, the Sexual Harassment Prevention bill.
“All people deserve to work in an environment free from sexual harassment,” said House Speaker Mitzi Johnson (D-South Hero). “This bill improves preventative measures and addresses incidents of sexual harassment for all work environments in the State of Vermont. The legislation creates a common standard for all work environments to prevent sexual harassment and discrimination.”
“As lead sponsor of this bill I am proud of the work the legislature has done in response to the national #MeToo movement,” said Representative Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (D-Bradford). “We heard the voices of victims of all types of harassment in the workplace and other concerned citizens, and put together legislation that better protects victims. It creates a statewide education and outreach program, adds protections for victims who file complaints of harassment and discrimination and creates an easy-to-use portal to file complaints. With these new provisions in place, workplaces across the state are more safe and inclusive.”
“We took this sexual harassment legislation very seriously and worked tirelessly to ensure that it would be completely effective,” said Representative Helen Head (D-Burlington). “I would like to thank the legislature for all their hard work to make work environments across the state more welcoming, safe, and productive for all employees.”