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Speaker Johnson’s Statement on Report of Discrimination in State Government

For Immediate Release

Contact: Katherine Levasseur
Office of the Speaker of the House
(802) 828-2245


“I am deeply troubled by the recent reports of racial discrimination and harassment at the Vermont Psychiatric Hospital and across State of Vermont departments and agencies. This report is the latest of a troubling pattern of racial harassment and discrimination. Many Vermonters have voiced their concerns and experiences in recent weeks to the legislature and their voices are important to informing these conversations.


Let me be absolutely clear: Racism, harassment, and discrimination have no place in our medical facilities, our government, our communities, or our state. We must all work together, in all levels of government, to correct this.


Vermonters deserve a workplace of dignity and respect. State Government should be the model work environment. I urge Governor Scott to take immediate action to address the issues brought forward in this report. It’s high time to address systemic racism. The legislature is working on several pieces of legislation that will begin to tackle this tough issue. I support the work our members and committees have done on these issues and look forward to seeing them implemented. We ask Governor Scott not only to sign these bills, but to give your agencies and departments a clear, unwavering directive to address these issues in a systemic, sustainable, and meaningful way.”