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Statement from Speaker Krowinski Addressing Harassment of Representative Jim Carroll by Representative Mary Morrissey

Statement from Speaker Krowinski Addressing Harassment of Representative Jim Carroll by Representative Mary Morrissey

June 11th, 2024

“Earlier this spring, Representative Jim Carroll informed me of potentially harassing behavior directed at him in the State House. I asked him to alert and discuss the issue with the Capitol Police Chief and the Sergeant at Arms. Weeks after our initial meeting, Representative Carroll approached me once again and stated that he had video evidence of the harassment, and that it definitively identified Representative Mary Morrissey. I immediately met with leadership to discuss the situation and we scheduled a meeting with both representatives to address the documented harassment. Following that meeting, I informed Representative Morrissey that she would no longer be eligible to be appointed to conference committees and I recommended that Representative Caroll contact the House Ethics Panel and request a review and investigation of the incidents. I have not been informed of the Panel’s actions, if any, because the Panel members are required to maintain confidentiality while they investigate matters before them.

“This is a truly disturbing situation that is at odds with our legislative practices. I strive to ensure that our time in the State House is focused on collaborative, bipartisan work on behalf of all Vermonters. The integrity and decorum of our legislative proceedings and of legislators are of paramount importance, and any actions or behaviors that compromise these values will be thoroughly investigated and addressed. I want to assure everyone that the matter is being taken seriously. 

“As Speaker, I am committed to upholding the highest standards of conduct for all members of the Vermont House of Representatives. I ask for your patience and cooperation as we navigate through this process."