For Immediate Release
September 15, 2020
Contact: Katherine Levasseur
MONTPELIER - “Today the Governor left Vermonters behind with his veto of the Global Warming Solutions Act. Once again, we unfortunately see all talk and no action from the Executive Branch.
“Four years into his term as Governor, Vermont still lacks a strategy to prepare for and address climate change. Our most vulnerable communities and rural areas lack the resiliency needed for the climate emergency. Vermont is the only state in the northeast with higher greenhouse gas emissions than we had 30 years ago. It’s time for Vermont to catch up. Unfortunately, the Governor’s veto of this bill risks putting us further behind.
“In the early weeks of the legislative session, the Administration brought several recommendations to the House Energy & Technology Committee, all of which were carefully considered and some of which were incorporated into H.688. The Secretary of Administration was elevated to chair the bill’s Climate Council, deadlines for action were extended, and an inventory of state government programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was added to the bill.
“The House declined to include the changes the Governor reiterated in August** because they fundamentally weaken the accountability provisions in the legislation and undermine the accelerated pace for the completion of this work. Vermont can’t afford a weak bill that will cause us to fall further behind on climate action.
“Vermont must take strong and immediate action to prepare our state and our people for the climate crisis. The Global Warming Solutions Act ensures accountability and resiliency for our future. Climate change is real and the climate crisis is here. That is why the House will take prompt action to override the Governor’s veto of this bill. Vermont and Vermonters cannot afford to wait to take action on climate change.”