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For Immediate Release

May 4, 2018


Contact: Katherine Levasseur

Office of the Speaker of the House

(802) 828-2245




Today, the Vermont House preliminarily approved S.260, the Clean Water Bill, on a vote of 94-48.


“Water quality is a top priority of the House,” said Speaker of the House Mitzi Johnson (D-South Hero). “Clean water is imperative to the Vermont way of life--it is important to our ecology, our tourist economy, our drinking water, our property values, and our health and wellness. S.260 doesn’t just work to make our lakes cleaner; it drives the state’s tourism industry, promotes Vermont’s brand and its businesses, keeps our children’s drinking water safe, and maintains the clean, natural landscape that makes this state so special.


“There are currently over 350 water segments in Vermont that need water quality improvement. Our waters are a vital component of our communities, our industries, and our traditions. Vermonters deserve a Vermont that works for all of us. That includes clean water, and this bill takes vital steps to ensure our lakes, rivers, and streams remain healthy for future generations.”


“S.260 creates a Clean Water Fund Board to study and recommend long-term funding sources for water cleanup in the state. It also increases the Vermont Clean Water Fund by raising a nominal rooms and meals tax and moving uncollected beverage disposal deposits to the fund.”


“A 0.25% increase in the rooms and meals tax is a small cost with much larger gains,” added House Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife Chair, Representative David Deen (D-Westminster). “S.260 raises the quality of the natural environment in the state. The bill increases the value of Vermont’s environment as an economic development tool, and it makes Vermont a cleaner, more attractive, and healthier place to live.”

