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Montpelier, VT – Today, Vermont House Speaker Jill Krowinski issued the following statement to update Vermonters on the Affordable Heat Act process and call out the significant misinformation campaign being waged on Vermonters:

“There has been a significant and intentional misinformation campaign circulating across Vermont about the Affordable Heat Act (Act 18). Much of this information is coming from groups outside of Vermont, like Americans for Prosperity. Founded in 2004 by brothers David H. and Charles Koch of Koch Industries, this Super-PAC has emerged as a leading defender of the oil and gas industry and a well-funded opponent of climate and environmental initiatives nationwide. In May 2024, AFP announced a “major five-part mail and digital campaign” to target Vermont voters during this election cycle. AFP postcards, for example, include false claims that S.5 “mandates heat pump installations in homes.”

“I condemn the spread of this misinformation and the influence of dark money that aims to promote confusion and fear. Vermonters deserve to know the truth about legislation that affects their daily lives and the last thing they need is interference from bad actors.

“The Affordable Heat Act is an important step in ensuring that all Vermonters have access to low-cost, reliable heat and relief from the dramatic increases in heating fuel that we see year over year. The bill, which passed in 2023, sets in motion a public rule-drafting process, and requires several important fact-finding studies, for consideration and possible action by the legislature in the upcoming biennium.

“In 2020, Vermonters could purchase home heating oil at a price of $2 dollars per gallon, which is a relatively affordable price for most families. However, in November 2022, Vermonters saw heating prices skyrocket to $5.87 dollars per gallon, which no family can afford. These dramatic price changes were a result of global factors beyond our control. The goal of the Affordable Heat Act is to help insulate Vermonters from fossil-fuel price swings, and to make it easier and more affordable for them to transition — if they want to — to more sustainable renewable energy sources.

“There has been much uninformed speculation about how or whether this proposed policy initiative might impact the price of heating fuel, and while there is little, I can do to stop Super-Pac-funded misinformation from flowing into our state, I can provide the facts to Vermonters on where we stand in the process. Currently, draft rules for the Affordable Heat Act are being developed, informed by equity and technical advisory groups and a comprehensive study. All of this will be brought before the legislature for a thorough and transparent review. This process will be open to all, with committee testimony and public hearings to ensure that Vermonters in all 14 counties have a voice and are heard. Vermonters can learn more about this transparent process here.

“When the legislature reconvenes in January, we will take up the draft rules for implementing a Clean Heat Standard and consider them as we would regular legislation. This means there will be public hearings, ongoing expert testimony and input from fuel dealers and our energy regulators. It is possible that additional work will need to be done by the legislature and administration prior to implementing this policy. It will not become law unless, and until, it is approved by successful votes in both the House and Senate, and signed by the Governor. My commitment is to do the work to ensure that all Vermonters have access to reliable and affordable heating sources.

“Additionally, we are working to develop opportunities to make Vermont more resilient in the face of our changing climate. The devastating repeated flooding of the past two years highlights the need to double our resiliency efforts and ensure that Vermonters are able to live safely in their communities. Our mission is clear: adapt to climate change, lower our emissions, and promote sustainable and affordable energy options for heating and transportation. This is imperative to support an economy that works for all Vermonters.

“I am hopeful that Vermonters will see through the fossil-fuel-funded misinformation campaign that looks to drum up fear and uncertainty through the use of inaccurate and alarmist messages. Vermonters need access to reliable, affordable heating solutions and we will continue our steady, thoughtful and transparent work to secure that access.” 
